Schiit Vidar.... Anyone heard one yet?

This relatively cheap by audiophile standards 2 channel amp has me very curious. I haven't seen any reviews or really even read any hands on blips about it. Just curious if anyone has heard it and what you thought.
Just got two running as mono's driving Magneplan 1.7i. Even without LF crossover'd to subs, the Vidar's really shine with power and grace. Not sure the sonics will improve with more run-ins but I'm very impressed with the Vidar's as they are, less than 2 days out of the boxes. Yes, indeed they do give much more expensive amps a run for the money.
I'm thinking of purchasing one. I believe you have to have a preamp with TRUE balanced outputs to run as monoblocks correct?

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, the Schiit Freya would appear to be a perfect match for Vidar given the balanced design of this preamp.
As per the Schiit website, this is an impressive list of “key features” for a $699 mono block amplifier.  
  1. Power supply to output stage is dual mono—and this is where it matters. Modulation on one supply won’t affect the other.
  2. Massive overkill power supply topology—separate regulated HV rails to voltage gain and driver stages (not stacked, so no modulation with P/S load).
  3. No caps in the signal path, no DC servo in the signal path, nothing but music in the signal path.
  4. Current feedback topology is amazingly fast (-3dB above 1MHz before input filter) and measures well, especially for such a simple stage.
  5. Linear supply, not switching supply, no high-frequency noise to deal with.
  6. Class AB output stage, not D. Again, no noise or noise-shaping applied.
  7. 3 pairs of outputs per channel—1.5x more than typical for this power output.
  8. Rated power output doubles into 4 ohms.
  9. Microprocessor oversees all important aspects of amplifier operation: current, DC offset, temperature.
  10. Protection system uses a “least invasive methodology”—no active devices in signal path, no current limiting, no crowbars—just resistors and relays.  
  11. No fan, just a massive amount of heatsinking.