integrated amp recommendation needed

integrated amp recommendation needed for revel M106 speakers - thanx
Cambridge CXa80 will drive those speakers just fine, plus a decent DAC, balanced inputs, sub out, etc included.

Some in your price range on eBay.
I second the Yamaha, perhaps the A-S1000(or A-S801) which can be found new at a friendly price. Quite powerful, smooth sounding, nice features plus excellent build quality. Just one of many options out there...
I've never heard it but the Outlaw Audio RR2160 has always piqued my interest. 110 watts in to 8 ohms, an assumedly decent dac, bass management for a subwoofer, and a headphone output all for $799.  Perhaps someone here has heard it (or the older model). 
There is a difference in the quality of watts. A Yamaha or Cambridge 100 watt amp will sound quite a bit different than a 100 watt amp for on Levinson/classe/McIntosh. That's why Revel wants you to use a quality amp for their speakers