Luxman Audio Gear - what is happening with them here in USA

I would like to throw this out to the group and just simply ask a question about what is happening with their distribution here in the US. This company has been around for awhile and has made some great strides recently to get back into the high end audio marketplace with some great products. However, I have heard that the US Distribution has changed, and leaves me to wonder what is this company's direction, where would I get something of their fixed here in the US and what is their future ?  Some of their stuff is not cheap but makes me wonder about there future here in the US and should I hold off considering buying their products. Responses would be appreciated.....       
Count me among Luxman's fans.
mountainsong, that L-590AX that I bought from you in February is some of the best money I've ever spent, the sound is stunning. Everyone that has heard it has been amazed.
Thanks again.
Builder3 I am happy to hear that you still love the 590AX. I had  owned twice.  That amp it is one of the best regardless price. 
The 900 series is the best electronics  I had ever owned  period. 
Luxman all the way.  Japanese finest. 

I am anticipating luxman es1200 power conditioner. It seems to compete with accuphase's power conditioner. I hope the price would be as good as that in asia.

Much Thanks! for sharing- All.

I would not mind auditioning the Luxman CD/SACD spinner recently reviewed in Stereophile.  Happy Listening!

I was recently auditioning a $15k + turntable and cartridge through a Luxman valve preamp, a Bryston amp, and a pair of odd-shaped KEF speakers.

There was a buzz in one channel of the LUXMAN that could not be gotten rid of. The tech fellow and the turntable manufacturer switched out everything and the fault was found to stay in that one channel of the Luxman.

One swallow does not a summer make but these are not the Luxman products of yore. Today they seem to be built down to a price. I'm sure Magnolia will have them next.