Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it?

I still use the Last Stylus preservative...and I think it well could be the reason that my long in the tooth Benz Ruby 2 is still making beautiful music.....20 years down the road! 
Anyone else like and use Last..or another similar product, like Lyra SPT?
I only use Stylast before every side of every record played and have been doing this since the mid-1980s.  Stylii last about 25OO hours.  Ortofon warns against this practice, which I have steadfastly ignored.  I also use LAST record preservative, a VPI HW17 rcm with a 25% alcohol cleaning solution, and since it came on the market an ONZOW.  Some of my records, which number in the thousands, have been with me since the 1950s and are none the worse for wear. 
I used Stylast preservative back in the early 80's. I don't disagree that it can help preserve a stylus, but what happened to me was the stuff migrated up the boron tube cantilever and gummed up the fragile coils in my high output moving coil cartridge, causing one channel to go dead completely. This equaled one dead cartridge and a lot of expense. Not saying this will happen to everyone, but I had heard similar stories back then.
I use Onzow followed by Stylast before each side.  Never had any issues with cantilever creep.

Mr. M, was the Last migration confirmed as the cause of the coils going bad, or just assumed? A single swipe of the Last applicator brush doesn't contain much liquid, not enough to migrate all the way up the cantilever to the coils, I would think. Last creator Walter Davies did a lot of research before bringing the product to market. Knowing Walt as a hi-fi retailer before he started Last, that doesn't seem like a thing he would not have discovered.
A single swipe of the applicator brush has enough fluid on it to submerse the tip of the cantilever and stylus tip. I used a stylus magnifier to examine the tip to confirm this. The cartridge was broken apart to examine the inside. There were dried traces of Stylast on the coils.