Last stylus preservative...anyone still use it?

I still use the Last Stylus preservative...and I think it well could be the reason that my long in the tooth Benz Ruby 2 is still making beautiful music.....20 years down the road! 
Anyone else like and use Last..or another similar product, like Lyra SPT?

Showing 3 responses by mr_m

I used Stylast preservative back in the early 80's. I don't disagree that it can help preserve a stylus, but what happened to me was the stuff migrated up the boron tube cantilever and gummed up the fragile coils in my high output moving coil cartridge, causing one channel to go dead completely. This equaled one dead cartridge and a lot of expense. Not saying this will happen to everyone, but I had heard similar stories back then.
A single swipe of the applicator brush has enough fluid on it to submerse the tip of the cantilever and stylus tip. I used a stylus magnifier to examine the tip to confirm this. The cartridge was broken apart to examine the inside. There were dried traces of Stylast on the coils.
daveyf. I'm not telling anyone not to buy this product. Just a problem I had. If you or the other posters use it regularly with no problems, by all means, keep using it. Did I put too much on my stylus or use it too often? Possibly. For me it was a costly situation. I just responded to the OP with a cautionary statement. I use Last's stylus cleaner religiously.A fine product to remove the crud off your stylus tip. It too, has a cautionary tale from cartridge makers warning against its use because it MAY soften the cement that holds the diamond to the cantilever causing the diamond to fall out. I never had this happen and have used it for years. Of course, I brush the stylus from back to front. no quicker way to destroy a fixed stylus cartridge than to brush it the wrong way....