Tekton room at the Los Angles Audio Show.

Any reports on the Tekton room at the Los Angles Audio Show?
Went to the show on Saturday. I was interested in hearing them as
well but unfortunately they were demoing other speakers when
I got there. Kind of frustrating as I was interested in knowing what
all the fuss was about.

Yes very strange. I was thinking people will be all over the forums discussing how great the Tekton DIs would be at the Los Angeles show - after I read the professional review and the user discussions. But strange that not a single person heard it at the Los Angeles Audio show??!!
The Tekton room was demoing speakers other than their own brand, or did you mean the Tekton room wasn't there?

@aolprodj : Realize you are looking for feedback on listening at a show, ... and please don't take this as being difficult because I love the Double Impacts and would be happy if there were raves about them at the LA show....but I would think it would be the worst place to get feedback about them or any speaker? 

Year after year, and show after show reports clearly go through a who's been GOOD and who's been BAD list. But I never see Santa Claus at the shows.

Perhaps I'm wrong about this and missing something entirely. Can you elaborate on what you are looking for and want to learn? 
@pts. It was a dealer demo. From what I recall he was demoing Elac
speakers. The Tekton's were sitting off to the side wall. I asked if they
were planning on playing the Tekton's at some point but the assistant who was there said she wasn't sure. Too bad, would have liked to hear them.