Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
 More wires, resistors, or other circuitry in front of the drivers will add or change
the signal integrity in a negative way. I'm not saying it doesn't sound good in many 
circumstances (like many Ohm speakers) but it could sound better with more micro
details, faster response, better imaging and overal more air in the presentation.

More tomorrow.......🇸🇪

Not worth debating because we all know measurable facts are not needed in high end audio to back up assertions. But it does cast the proven design decisions of others in a negative light.  Each may have their own unique design goals.  Your's suit you.   A business must have the collective goals of their customers in mind. 
"A business must have the collective goals of their customers in mind. "
And, their bottom line.
But cutting corners is cutting corners. Yes you are making the "bottom line"
for the company and share holders. At some point you got to take a look at the competition 
and say........Damn $5000 is getting an amazing value, beautiful cabinetry and custom built
drivers to meet custom specs.

Look at the 4/5000 (my speakers) The cost of all the hardware including 
"Walsh" driver, tweeter switches, crossover, wiring, and speaker connector
will barely cost $175. Give or take $20. Ohm buys used cabinets for $200 on average,
Barely  touch the inside  (might add a brace or two).  Veneers the cabinet which nowadays 
is so easy and simple due to the veneers being layed out on either wood or paper veneer,
you add contact cement (or its pre-glued) voila done..... 

So what I'm trying to say is that not much effort went in to the product
to make more than $4000 in profit.

Does it sound great...Sure it does, but with some better engineering, better
parts, and more love put in to the speaker it could be totally amazing.