I bought the Granite for the base for my ....

Paradigm Seismic 12. It will take a week or so to have it cut to proportion. I would like to see what folks think are their thoughts on the most base enhanced films. I am watching the Chronicles of Riddick now and there is a ton of base. Your top five would be appreciated.

Tanks. :-)

U 571, Star Wars pod race, Jurassic Park III in DTS, Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, AVP, Toy Story I and II...there are so many.

LOTR is bas heavy ... I agree with Mdhoover ....it is probably over the top for most home theatres to reproduce....but if you want lots of bass then LOTR sure has it!
The League of Extrordinary Gentleman has tons of good clean bass... especially through the surrounds. Great test to see how your back side does.
base= bass. My bad. I am actually an educated person. I was thinking base as in the Granite base and had a brain fart.
Sorry about that.

"base= bass. My bad. I am actually an educated person. I was thinking base as in the Granite base and had a brain fart.
Sorry about that."
-The end
Okay, I see. I did that (at least) once in a post also. I thought it was an intentional pun because of the smiley face at the end of your original post. That's why I responded with puns. (Puns are part of my "dark side.") My apologies as well.

The part about Lord of the Rings was true, however. It seemed ridiculously augmented. Quite odd, and sort of annoying too. You may want to see if the old 1970's movie, "Earthquake" (in "Sensaround"--remember that?) is readily available. It was actually possible to feel vibrations in the movie theater, and this was done at a time long before subwoofers were so popular.