Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Thanks, bond
My preamp is a highly-upgraded Luminescence octal-based unit, my my regular amps are MFA M120 mono tube amps which are out for servicing and upgrading. My backup amp is a NAD C272 solid state unit,

A few days ago, I began major reconfiguration on my listening room.
Hardwood floor instead of carpet, moving the equipment rack to another room, and removing tube traps and and some diffusers.  It should be enjoyable and educational to audition all three speakers in the "new" room.  The room obviously will be "brighter" and have some "echo," call it my own little audio tabula rasa.  I've been putting off DIY sound panels until I live with the room for a while.  My tube amps are not home yet.  That will add another element.  Fun stuff.
Back in the saddle....

Didn't really jump out of the saddle, but needed some breathing room and some away time from Audiogon.
I did take some time to re-asses life IE. I watch a crap load of YouTube videos, a few trips to the fridge, and a lot of napping.
And I also realized that I can have a triple espresso and take a nap
no problem...

So what about the Ohm's? Come on people you didn't think I would
give up after all that work...Did you?

Between the naps, the snacking  and coffee breaks I been very busy
working on the speakers. I finally got to the point were it's looking
nice inside the cabinet. Yes all the horizontal layers are done, and I 
used a large sheet of CF on the inside to stiffen up the mid line of the the cabinet. To add even more stiffness, two horizontal bolts were pre-tensioned between the CF sheets and locked in with epoxy. 
At some point I realized that if I had no idea what specs the Walsh driver has, I would be up shits creek and all that work would be for nothing. So what to do?
As luck has it I was doing some Googling on the internets one night
and Voila'.....
I found the driver and with that all the specs, lucky me!!

The next step will be to build a vent tube, yes, yes, I now I could
just re-use the original 13" tube that came with the speaker, but what fun would that be? So I'm stepping it up and I will try something different, and it won't be round. 
I might also add 3/4" MDF on the outside of the cabinet for even better sound deadening (unless the whole thing weighs to much).

More coming very soon.....🇸🇪

Heavy speakers....

So the weight is adding adding up fast, and then I decide to make them heavier...!!

So after a few days of pondering design, shapes and other life altering decisions 
MDF krept in to my conscience again. MDF is great stuff, easy to cut usually flat and easy to finish....but dusty lol.

So I decided to change the shape a little, I want to add a taper at each corner (as you can see in the image) the outline is the blue tape 
as a visual. I will add two layers of 3/4" MDF so the bevel/taper will be a little bit more aggressive than in the image.

I think by giving the cabinet a few more angles, the design will perhaps  be more modern and hip looking.

As I said, it's getting heavy........🇸🇪