Are you using DH Labs?

I recently proclaimed my love for DH Labs in another thread (, but wondering who else uses them here on the forum. If you use their cables, which ones do you use? No need to go into detail, just curious which ones people have.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xblisshifi
I used to have DH Labs. Started with Silver Sonic full loom. To their reference interconnects. Did not tried their reference speaker cables though.
Good entry level cables.
Since changes to Cardas, then AudioQuest SKYs, and Nordost TYR 2.
and many others in between.
I give highest marks to Parts Connexion/DH Labs Connex BL-Ag bulk IC balanced wires and to DH Labs silver headshell leads.  It's all you'll ever need, well above the entry level, and all I need.
@lprules1962 - what reference interconnects? What are you using now?

@dgarretson - they make headshell leads? Can you send me a link?

They retail for around $50 per set.  I can't seem to get the URL to stick to this post, but the headshell leads are on their web site.