Ethical Help from the AudiogoN Community

I am the seller of "Bowers & Wilkins PM-1s with Stands" (Listing ID:lis7j46i). Please look at the listing, read what I said, look at the photos and then look at the discussion in the Q & A section.

I wish to note that I really love AudiogoN for buying and selling and the community and camaraderie of the forums. I have had a quite a few transactions as both buyer and seller. All have concluded satisfactorily as you can see from my feedback. Members of the forums have helped me solve problems for which I am extremely grateful.

My listing was meant to be open and transparent. As far as price, I'm at a loss, so I'd be delighted to see offers if there are any.

I feel like john1, who hasn't had a transaction since 2011, has attacked me publicly in a libelous manner and just for sport. I feel that if he was offering his thoughts in a constructive manner, he would have done so privately instead of tainting my ad.

I also believe, maybe naively, particularly in light of the current political turmoil, that free speech is a right, so I haven't used the Delete button to remove john1's posts.

I am at loss as to how to proceed and I am asking the AudiogoN community which I have great respect for to give me thoughts as to how I should go forward.

Thanking you all in advance,

Good job greg.  At a minimum I would first call B&W to make sure that the replacement tweeter is still available and still $69, and if so update your ad to state this.  If it was me, I would buy the tweeter, but not replace the one in your speaker, and include it with the purchase.  Whether or not you increase your asking price by the cost of the tweeter is up to you.  No matter what I wouldn't think twice about deleting john1s rant.
Delete the question, leave the listing like it is. There is nothing wrong on your part! It looks like that guy is just breaking your stones!
If I was looking for speakers, I probably would not buy them as is if there was no replacement tweeter.  But if I knew a replacement tweeter was available at $69 I wouldn't think twice. 
Your description of the speaker is accurate and is not misleading, therefore, you are in the clear.  Heck, a smart buyer may do some homework and find out that a replacement tweet is available to $69 and make you an offer way below market price. 
You've created a good ad and I've seen many like it with a damaged driver. You should include the replacement tweeter in the sale, and also post the list price for the speakers.
It's ok to delete John's post, he won't be buying your item.