Axpona audio show. Is it worth seeing(hearing)?

I noticed a banner for the axpona audio show and , since it's very close to me, was considering attending. Have never been, and actually never heard of it. Is it worth going to and if so, what should i plan to do there to maximize my experience. Thanks for any suggestions

I attended this show last year and enjoyed it.  There was a mixture of quality manufacturers and products to seek out and listen to.  Some of the rooms stood out as exceptionally good sounding.  It was worth the 4 hour drive and the expense of an overnight stay in a hotel. I don't believe that you'll be disappointed. You can examine the list of scheduled exhibitors to see if any interest you. 

If you are a hi-fi enthusiast, and if it's nearby, I suggest you go and experience an audio show first-hand. Unless you are in the industry, or in a major metro area with lots of hi-end shops, you'll likely never have so much access to so much different equipment. 

If you go, have a plan. Check out the vendors you want to visit and make sure you get to them. Otherwise, you could get overwhelmed and miss the very things you went there to see/hear. Also, plan you schedule around any of the seminars you want to attend. 

Go to the show website for a list of vendors and products, as well as a show schedule.
Thanks for the advice. I will plan on going, and make a plan on what /who i want to see/hear, including the seminars. Any opinions on a "must see" while i'm there? Very subjuctive, i know, depending on what interests people.
If you are in the market for any particular components, visit the vendor that has the component you want to hear, plus visit vendors who have competing products in your price range. You may find some surprises.

If you want to learn about vinyl playback, or computer/streaming audio, visit vendors with those products. There are also vinyl seminars, as well as computer/streaming audio seminars.

Lastly, go see a vendor/product that is WAY out of your budget, just to see what is possible and what all the fuss is about.
My girlfriend and I went last year and had a great time.  We did see Second City and a few bands live in the city to keep us sane after hearing female jazz vocalists played in every room. (If they weren't being featured when we entered, then someone would invariably request something).  If you're not into that than make sure to visit KEF who kept changing things up.

Also be prepared for listener fatigue (I never experienced it before) and for megabuck systems to be somewhat disappointing without a dedicated, treated room. The omni-directional MBLs fared well though, as did the Vinni Rossi\Harbeth room (at like a 10th of the price) which utilized nearfield placement to amazing effect.  And Spatial Audio did wonders too for even less, though the sweet spot was a bit too narrow for a couple.
