Time for a new tube system.

Hello everyone,
I bought my tubes stereo system about 15 yrs ago, BW804N, Cary 805 monoblock amps, Cary SLP98P, Rega CD player.
Now I have more time, and would like to buy new tubes system. On the list, BW803 D3, Cary CAD211 FE, bought VPI prime turntable, may keep SLP98P or sell/trade to newest Cary SLP98P.
My room is 13W x 23L x 10H.
Any feedback, please post.
Look at some of the Canary Audio pieces too, excellent amplifiers which unfortunately does not the the recognition  they deserve.  

I have several pieces listed here and would be happy to fill you in on details about them or any other equipment you'd like.

Good Listening


Look at the look at the Linear Tube Audio ZOTL40. They also have them in mono blocks.


Nice system. I used to own a pair of Cary 805s too. Can’t go wrong with Cary amps. But instead of the B&W speakers, I’d be inclined to put Devores with them, especially the new Gibbon X. Something to think about:
I agree with Mani-2, keep your amps and buy new speakers! Something a bit more sensitive? some horns maybe?

Dennis Had is no longer part of Cary and I would suggest searching the threads for customer experiences in the last few years. My vague impression is that some here posted disatisfaction with either the newer team/support or the newer gear. 

Agree w/posts that if you move up to the bigger B&Ws that those 211s might not be powerful enough to be a good match. I'd at least find some B&Ws who can confirm good results w/similar amps. 211s, 845s etc. can sound great, but they prefer a fairly efficient speaker with a relatively flat impedance curve ~8ohms+ in general. If somebody uses them with lower impedance speakers and gets good results, that would be good to post about. Cheers,