Can I use this amp in my house?

I've been looking at a power amplifier that has a 20 amp power cable. The tech specs say its maximum power consumption is 2400 watts. Would I need to have special wiring in the house to run this amp? If so, what would I need?

Thanks very much.

-- Howard


At 200 watts per channel amp if you will be pushing the amp with high dynamic music don't let the electrician talk you into using #12awg wire. #12 is bare minimum for a 20 amp circuit. Stick to your guns and tell him #10 wire.
You want the mains voltage to hold constant and not fluctuate when the power supply is trying to recharge the Caps.

IF you can have him install 10-2 with ground NM-B cable. (Romex is a Trade Name of). Whether or not he can use NM-B will depend on the local electrical code as well as whether the wiring installation of NM-B will meet local code.

If he cannot use NM-B ask him if he can use  10-2 with ground solid conductor MC aluminum armor cable. NOT stranded wire.

You can use ohm's law. Here is a calculator that shows you will need a 20 amp circuit for peak power with this amp.
Je48 sounds like he knows his stuff! I'd listen to him!  But I will add that I just got a Krell FPB-300, with a 20amp plug, and it came with a cord that has the 20amp connector for the amp on one end, and the other end has a standard 15 amp plug on it. I plugged it into my APC power filter, which has a gauge on the front to tell how much current is being used, and so far I've never seen it move, or even get to the yellow, never red. So in practice you can get away with a 15 amp circuit. But, after reading what je48 said, I'm also considering a dedicated circuit for it! Certainly a good piece of mind. And isolate it from the rest of your gear. 

Can I use this amp in my house?
maximum power consumption is 2400 watts

Cambridge Audio 851W
Safe with normal power points and normal 10amp cords

That will be maximum "peaks" just on clipping, half that and half it again, for something closer to the real thing even that's stretching it..

Cheers George