ROI. Where is money better spent?

Sorry if the category is not quite accurate, but i would like the opinion of the knowledgable crew here. I am shopping for a preamp and interconnects, source to pre, and pre to amp, balanced. I am not looking for any brand recommendation, but want to know that if i had some xtra money to spend, should it go into better cables or better preamp? Thanks and happy holidays!
@thiefoflight , @erik_squires 

Absolutely agree, no amount of $$$ spent on gear can overcome/compensate for poor setup and room treatment.
Before spending even more money on another piece of equipment, get your current system to "play the room", and get your room treatments done to have the least detrimental effect on the sound.
Buy Jim Smith's book "Get Better Sound", it is invaluable.

Happy listening, peaceful listening, joyful listening!
+1 on room treatment. Next, clean up the AC (dedicated lines first) followed by good aftermarket AC cords.
I agree about AC.  Cleaner power allows you amp to run more efficiently. When that happens, you most certainly get better performance.