Any Vandersteen 7 Owners in SFO Bay Area ?


There is no dealer in San Francisco Bay Area who carries Vandersteen 7.  I want to listen to them before i consider and upgrade and wondering if there is anyone in my area who can help me.  I own 5A Carbons and thinking of upgrading. 
(( I am going to get my 7s tomorrow.
 Any suggestions for break-in them ?))
 Hook em on the 4 Ohm ARC taps and enjoy
 Best JohnnyR
How cool is that!!!  Happy for you.  I'll be getting my Quatro's when I get back from Nepal in the middle of Feb!!  What color did you go with?
Glad to see so many 7 users in this thread!  I have had the 7 for two years and have found that they somehow are more sensitive to powerline quality than other systems that have gone through my place, i.e. my system through the 7 sounds vastly different during different time of the day and it is quite repeatable.  Anyone else experience this?  It is quite annoying and I wonder if adding something like Audioquest Niagra (8000?) that is said to be made for the 7 will solve this.  When the stars align, I feel I am at the pinnacle point of this hobby, but at other times, I wonder what went wrong.  Took me some time to figure out its the power.
The 7000 is a great power tool (whatever we call them now) and works great.  I'm still not sold on using one for amps though.  I've heard of folks having the problem you talk about with their amps. 

Are you able to borrow one from your dealer?  If so, just try it and see.  Nothing ventured nothing gained I guess.  Garth was showing it off at Audio Connections when it was about to be released, but the 7's weren't plugged into it.  I know a few guys with 7's and the Niagara.  I"ll ask them their thoughts.  I know that they loved it with them and said they didn't hear any choking at all, which is amazing for any power tool.
I have my Amps and Preamplifier hooked up to Shunyata Hydra Triton.  Do u suggest connect the speakers also to it ? Not sure if Hydra can supply all that power.