Any Vandersteen 7 Owners in SFO Bay Area ?


There is no dealer in San Francisco Bay Area who carries Vandersteen 7.  I want to listen to them before i consider and upgrade and wondering if there is anyone in my area who can help me.  I own 5A Carbons and thinking of upgrading. 

Showing 10 responses by veerapaneni

I listened to the speakers over the weekend and liked them.  I might buy them in near future. 
Thank you.  I will try to drive to LA This weekend to listen to them.  I am surprised that we don't have any dealer in Northern California who carries them.   I like my 5A Carbons but never listened to 7s . 
Is there a major difference between MK I and MK II ? I found MK I speakers and wondering if it is worth upgrading to MK II . 
I have Audio research ref 250SE and I believe it is more than enough to run these speakers. I have ARC 5SE as pre amp. 
Finally Ordered Bentley  Neptune Color 7 MK II  today .  Hope they sound good in my room. 
Great. Eagarly waiting for them.  Hope they sound good in my room. Need to fine tune my room acoustics before I get the speakers. 
I am going to get my 7s sometime next week and i will post pictures once i get them.  

Just listed my 5A carbons on Audiogon. 
I have my Amps and Preamplifier hooked up to Shunyata Hydra Triton.  Do u suggest connect the speakers also to it ? Not sure if Hydra can supply all that power.