One that comes to mind are the Spatial Audio M3 or M4. From what I remember with my very short time with both, they have more of a natural warmth than a manufactured warmth. The detail, soundstage, and dynamics are better with the Spatials.
Another, if you'd like to look at monitors, is the Clearwave Duet 6. It has a seamless crossover and speaks like a point source, single driver with outstanding bass reach.
You're going to get a lot of recommendations but in the end, try your best to audition.
All the best,
Another, if you'd like to look at monitors, is the Clearwave Duet 6. It has a seamless crossover and speaks like a point source, single driver with outstanding bass reach.
You're going to get a lot of recommendations but in the end, try your best to audition.
All the best,