Why is my turntable sounding so muddy?

I set up my equipment recently after a long layoff. I was away for a few years and had the equipment stored away. The equipment is a Linn Axis with Counterpoint amp and preamp (tube). I mean the cd player sounds great
but my analog is hurting any advice?
Check the speed and recheck your weight . Jmho . Of cousre the other post are also possible but both cart ?
Good luck
Since your Linn was in storage and not being used, the electrolytic capacitors may need replacing. Also the rubber suspension can dry out and you may need to add or change the bearing oil.
My Axis was in storage and needed service to return it to optimal performance. 
In addition to the thoughts already posted, your cartridge may need some break-in time. Have you played it for 20 hours yet?

Did you remove the belt when it was put in storage? It's common to have a problem with the belt when a turntable has been in storage with belt installed.

if you plug to the wrong input MM instead of MC or visa versa, than your TT will sound muddy.