Music Server

I am looking for a reliable and easy to use music server with a very good interface software package.  I have about 4,500 CDs, the majority classical, so I am looking for something that does a good job at cataloguing the content.  I currently run a Naim NDS/Uniti server.  I think the software is adequate, but, I have FAR too many bugs and problems keeping it working correctly.  Enough is enough.  I would like something that is much more stable and reliable that is designed to handle a decent sized collection. 

I did some quick research and found the Antipodes server.  It seems to have the ability to run a number of different software packages (comes with Roon pre-loaded) and it has built-in capability to rip CDs, both of which are a big plus, but, I am a bit concerned about whether it might be a bit complicated to use.  I have also taken a quick look at the Aurender servers.  I have a good local dealer who is a computer whiz that carries the Aurender so that is a big plus.  Another big plus would be something that could take what I have already loaded on my QNAP NAS and work with that so I don't have to re-load, edit metadata, etc. all 4,500 CDs again.

Are there any other top end servers that I should be looking at?  Also, any suggestions on a DAC to couple with the server?


I was in a very similar position to yours earlier this year. I had a Naim NDX, Naim Dac, Naim 555ps on both the NDX and the Dac. I loved Naim for a really long time. When I finally decided to move on from Naim amplifiers I kept the digital front end for a couple of reasons, but most of which is that I invested so much that I could not justify giving it all away. The time did come where it made sense and I found a buyer for the digital items. I decided to be more flexible in the front end. At this point I moved to Boulder electronics so I was more open to options. I decided on the Aurender X100L. I very nearly chose the N20. It sounded great, but I had a hard time justifying the additional cost know that in a few years I will have to assess upgrading again. I probably overspent on the dac, but I love it and I was convinced that it could be upgraded. 

The Aurender has been fantastic. 
Have a look at the Playback design Server and DAC, I compared them to MSB, Bryston, Aurender and to me it sounds cleaner, musical and engaging. 

Hi Juan, great review. I currently have an L7 and thought your review of that device was spot on. I’m considering an upgrade to the Big 7, have you heard one in your system?

Once you experience a great dedicated music server it’s really easy to recognize the improvements over using a commercial off-the-shelf computer for audio.
Thanks, Jay!  I appreciate it.  

I have not heard the Big 7 or the Golden Gate on my system, but if I can get Lukasz Fikus or Fred Ainsley to bring one by following AXPONA 2017, maybe that will become a reality.  I'll have to reach out to them and ask.

