No, this does not refer to Pink Floyd or Donald Trump! 
  I was just wondering why audio dealers tell you to plug the power amplifier into the wall, rather than into my PS Audio power plant? What harm would it do to plug it into the Power Plant; it has plenty of capacity?! Would I risk any damage if I plugged my power amplifier direct into the power plant? 
just curious... thanks.   ---Steve

If you plug the amp into the wall, you might decide to plug in everything there and not buy the device.

Seriously, these devices make up for not having a 30 amp circuit.

I ran 2 of them with 10 Gua wire and separate breakers.

Another trick is to run a construction extension cord from a socket on a separate breaker and split the audio amps. I demonstrate the difference with some bass dropping out when I only use one circuit.

If you have a 15 amp circuit, with other things on it, you absolutely need the device.

AC power outlets can supply 10000A+ for very short periods
No way ... at least certainly not where I live. And I've measured it. Many people would be shocked to discover that their 200A service can't even deliver 125 amps. In fact, 200A service isn't designed to actually deliver 200A.

It is mostly the fact that power conditioners or whatever you want to call them have a maximum current capacity and amplifiers need a lot of current. Regenerative power supplies have rather severe limitations for maximum wattage and can be damaged.
 I use a Monster HTS3500 and find it sounds much better if I plug my amplifiers into it. It is very synergistic like power cords and is up to your own ears. Each device ought to have its own recommendations and parameters. Your results will absolutely vary.
I am one of those audiophiles who have gotten excellent results when using an over-speced PowerPlant to clean and buffer my wall current. I've tried it both ways, and I vote AMP plugged into the regenerator. (By over-speced I mean my equipment draw is a max of 750va while the power plant can deliver 1500va, so I have 50% headroom.)
dentdog, I think that 20A should be, how to say it, ample. Doesn’t hurt to over-specify, so long as the equipment doesn’t make an intrusive noise where it shouldn’t.

That’s what I would do.