Music you Hated but now Love

let me counter-balance the other thread: is there any music you totally hated but now Love?
my story: Gong, Magma, Robert Wyatt: I could not understand how my little brother could listen to this garbage, but now, 30 years later, these are in constant rotation on my LP12...
(((Please use another thread for Classical music, actually, Please, someone, start such thread for Classical!)))
Phish is always an easy target for folks who haven't listened in a while. They are at the top of their game right now try going to a show sometime. To each their own of course but I find them incredibly impressive live.
I’ve done an about face in recent years on AC/DC, Eminem and Dean Martin.  Michael Jackson as well. 
Greg Brown, didn't like the country twang. Now I can't get enough. He's my new John Prine. To top it off, his recordings on Red House Records are spectacular.

I just saw Alice Cooper and can't imagine better music with a vaudeville show added for visual entertainment. Oh, I always liked them, but you didn't.
Death metal. Hated the cookie monster vocals and blast beats. Later I started to understand that aggressive music needed aggressive vocals, and what's more aggressive than from-the-depths-of-hell growling. And some of the bands started playing with more consonance, where blast beats actually fit.

Lately I've become enamored of beauty and the beast gothic doom (clean female vocals interspersed with cookie monster male vocals).

I've always been a metal fan, but realistically, 95% of metal is mediocre or just plain bad and that goes for death metal too. But when you find a good one it just works.