Beyond Ayre Pass and Rowland

What would it be? Transistor or Hybrid. This is a general discussion.
I heard that Gryphon and Ypsilon qualify but I didn't audition either. Lamm hybrid does too, I believe.
Charles1dad, if I got it right, you thought that the Ypsilons were overpriced but Absolares were not.
Viva Aurora is all tube, correct? I heard that they are great.
I would put my Boulder 2060 stereo amp against anything.  I have not heard anything better thus far.  Heard constellation and it was good but it was not a direct comparison so it is tough to say.

i compared my Boulder directly to the best Cary (Cary 211fe) and the best classe (m600) over months in my own room on same system at the same time.

i would be hesitant to base opinions on Boulder based on a dealer demo especially when the auditioner has no real grasp or extensive experience with the aforementioned gear.

honestly, how are you going to give a clear impression that the sound you heard was solely due to amp sonics??

i think Boulder ranks among the best, period.  And customer service is great.  Easy to contact and they have a great facility (and brand new too!).
boulder is excellent!  I would certainly put Boulder up against the best on the market. Vitus is great as well. 
Hello Inna,
The particular Ypsilon amplifier I referred to was I believe in the 80K range at the time (2011). My friend’s Absolare Passion Signature when he purchased them were 52K (2013). No question that both are Uber priced audio components. I haven’t enough listening experience with the Accuphase to render an opinion. They’re certainly held in very high esteem by many experienced listeners.  Yes the Viva Aurora amplifier is DHT tubes powered. Driving Trenner-Friedl  speakers at CES was one of the best rooms I've ever heard at an audio show. 

Hello Joey and jlaz,
Please understand that my comments regarding listening impressions are obviously subjective and personal. I made it very clear that this is all about individual taste. No question that the Boulder sound could be simply ideal for what you desire and nothing sounds better in your system. I wouldn’t even begin to argue or dispute your preferences.

It’s impossible for me to hear all of these Uber amplifiers compared directly in the same system under controlled conditions, it will never happen. I’m simply sharing my listening impressions limited by real world constraints. I hope that factor is very obvious and that I’m not making any sort of proclamation. My "dry and flat" could be "neutral and accurate" to another listener and I recognize that point.