Schitt Audio Still in business???

I have attempted to email repeatedly from different email accounts and my email is returned from google saying they cannot relay to the schitt email server.

The company also does not like to staff to answer the phone.  

With this type of customer service I can understand why they would go out of business.
What did you inquire about anyway, psickerson?  I've owned a bunch of their Schiit, maybe I could help.
Funny, the ones having a bitch about Schiit’s, have only a low number of post in Audiogon and are new members, also posting just on this thread alone? Think about that?????

Cheers George
I wanted to try a passive pre-amp and thought for $50 I'll buy the Schitt. What do I have to lose? When attempting to listen, all I got was a hum that almost made me jump out of my skin. I was able to reach customer service right away who gave me some possible causes that I did not believe would have any benefit. Tried it again and received the same result. Probably dumb on my part for tempting fate twice. Immediately returned it to Amazon. Glad I didn't lose part of my system.
They didn't get my my yggdrasil dac out this week. So on Monday that will be over 4 weeks since I ordered. No reply yet on email. And I asked them on facebook a separate question on one of their posts about something and they never replied. 

I seriously thought about getting another DAC because of the wait and bad customer service. It's ONLY because this yggy is supposed to be so freaking insanely good of a DAC that blows everything else away in the price range that I'm putting up with the wait. Being without good music this long is really testing my patience though. I'd just hate to buy something else and always be thinking I got second best. And I want that bit perfect decoding with that new chip they are first to use.
As I said above 
"I went back and originally did send to Never got a reply. Then picked up sending repeatedly to "   (Wrong email address)
I never did see a reply back from the first email. I resent a email to the correct address and this time Jason replied back in less than a few hours.  

I had read so many good write ups about their products I was very surprised to not see any response. The audio business is not what it was and I believe it is the buyer that has gotten the short end of the stick. How do you spend k's on equipment having never heard it.  

I am.going to put Schiit back on my list if you guys purchasing their stuff  find it sounds as wonderful as Shiit proclaims it be.  
Made in America!! Not just marketed and sold Is a very good thing.