Sony CDP-XA7ES vs CEC TL-1 transport

I'm using CEC TL-1 transport for about a year but get tired of it's inability to read all types of CDs. So I'm looking for a replacement. Something not very expensive - about 1000-1500 USD. The first candidate is Sony CDP-XA7ES. Any thought about this unit?
One more thing - I want to replace CEC with a front loading transport. Because after buying a vinyl player there is not much space for a top loading device...
Finally got a replacement - Esoteric P2s.  Absolutely different transports - cec seems to be more detailed but esoteric has better bass...
After a week with Esoteric decided to return it back. Still searching for an equal replacement for CEC)
alex_bolotnikov OP
26 posts
08-10-2016 3:34pm
After a week with Esoteric decided to return it back. Still searching for an equal replacement for CEC)
i've heard this is a lot re. Esoteric players......