Please Help!! looking to get into computer audio.

I am looking into exploring the computer audio format, I am a long time audio enthusiast. My Digital front end currently consists of a Oppo bd103 and a Bryston Bda 1 , I currently have the capability to stream my itunes library from my computer via bluetooth to my oppo player , but the sound quality is not up to my standards. Any suggestions on how to increase the sound quality would be great. Please consider that i am a newbie to this and a little confused with the formats of computer audio. Any solution would be appreciated thanks. I have been looking at the w4s remedy and or Blink or recovery. I am also considering just getting a wadia 171 ipod transport and just using my ipod. confused and not sure which route to take for best sound qaulity.

Gee @dtc it took a lot of typing before you got what I was saying and got mad at me for it.

I like ASRC by the way, and buffering and stuff like that. I don’t think the engineers at Bryston are crap. I just don’t think all jitter reduction solutions are equally good which is what I thought you wrote. There is a reason why the next generation incorporated Asynch-USB 2.0

I’m very happy that over the past decade or so Asynch-USB and high resolution audio have become so important that Macs and Linux now incorporate a standard USB 2.0 audio driver as part of their distributions. This is much better than the dark ages of Synch-USB or Asynch but with custom drivers needed.


@brenro I'm not sure what your core problem is though. :)  Are you saying you don't like downloads? If so, you are exactly the sort of person MQA was designed for. It offers to compress high resolution audio several fold without loss.

The Ayre IS a very nice player. How are you hooking it and the Oppo up to your sound though?  Is it analog out or are you using a DAC? 

I like the video and anime performance of Oppo, but um, not a fan of their internal DAC's. At least on the 103, I can't hear any benefit at all of SACD. However, the 105 has Asynch-USB 2.0 so it should make a great source for just about any outboard DAC. 
erick - I understand what your were saying all along. I just thought some of it was incorrectly or at least confused.  Let me explain.

Async usb is bit perfect, but so is reclocking. . You seemed to imply that aysnc usb it bit perfect but reclocking is not. Upsampling is not bit perfect, but nobody would claim it is and it is a separate process from reclocking.

Aysync usb and reclocking as are good as their clock, assuming a quality implementation.  Async usb and reclocking using the same clock should produce basically the same result as far as jitter is concerned. Once again, you seem to imply that async usb produces lower jitter than reclocking, which is not the case.

If you believe that async usb is superior to reclocking in terms of jitter, then we disagree. If you agree that properly implemented async usb and a reclocker are basically equal in terms of jitter, then we agree. All of this assumes a quality implementation with the same clocks.

As to why async usb is so popular,  clearly it is better than sync. It has also become a requirement as far as marketing is concerned. It is also easy to implement. There is no reason not to do it these days. But, that does not mean it is inherent better  than a good reclocker in terms of jitter.

And, yes, I do understand async usb.