I need a motor pulley for a 300 RPM VPI motor............Does anyone know a dealer that can help with this ??
" ... Well I went to the VPI information website and they wouldn't let me in untel I logged in .......But I can't because I don't have a pass word ??? I wonder why they need a pass word for me to ask a question ???   The best way to handle this is to sell all of this fine American technology and get some Chinese stuff and when it breaks, throw it in the junk pile where this fine VPI stuff belongs ..."
You're just being silly. VPI manufactures outstanding products backed up with excellent service. Have you actually tried to call them? I have always found them very responsive: 732-583-6895. Mike is the company's EE, so there's no point in asking for him. Just ask for parts info and I'm sure they'll help you.

You might also try asking your dealer. That's what he's there for!
I don't believe the Mike everyone refers to is the same Mike that is there now.  The "new" Mike is Mike Bettinger who is an EE, but just recently joined the company.  My understanding is the "old" Mike left several years ago (not sure I ever knew his last name, he never used it in e-mail).  As for company ownership, Harry retired a couple of years ago and the company is run by his son Mat.  Mat has been doing a good job and is responsible for the Prime and other new products.  Harry is still active and has HW's Workshop for one off products.  If you want to read a lot more about VPI products check out their forum, lots of good info.

HI This is Bob from Bob's Devices.  I don't remember getting an email recently about a pulley, but typically I only need a photo to make sure you get the right part.  VPI is not standard on their parts, even on the same table.  If someone emails or calls, I try to be as responsive as possible.
Forgot to add that Mat has said they don't offer parts direct anymore since it would compete with the dealers.  Not sure if this is a perceived problem or one that the dealers complained about.  Contacting VPI can be a bit of challenge, they do answer the phone but only on select days, I believe it is Tuesday, Wednesday, and  Thursday.  E-mail can also be a challenge, they do answer but are a bit irregular.  The forum is the best bet.  VPI has been very successful the last few years and the extra work makes it harder to get ahold of them.