Help Me Choose Timber Nation Rack-- All Wood or Threaded Rod?

Discovered the Timber Nation site and for what I can afford, they look like an excellent choice. Not sure whether I
should go with the all-wood or the threaded rod rack, though. Which is better in terms of isolation???  
All wood, especially, Maple is outstanding. There are other brands that use steel, aluminum and suspension-type designs. So, there is something to be said for those niche' products as well.
Personally, I use a Bell 'O design that is steel and glass shelving.
It is dead quiet. Happy Listening
I'm using two 1" thick shelves of granite suspended on 4x4 posts tapered at their bottoms.  It's the equivalent of a concrete sofa...and you wouldn't want to stub a toe on it.  Concrete floor.

Vibration isn't an issue here.
Wood, Home Depot, but basically 'scraps'.

The stone  shelves are 'drops' from the countertop/slab shop next door.  Y'all might inquire at a local shop.  You'd be surprised by what they toss.