Recommendation for Integrated Amp with Tone Controls

Hi, I am looking for recommendations for a good integrated amp with tone controls. I want something more attractive than a NAD with enough power to give me some flexibility. Max of $1000 to spend. I am looking for a keeper for the long term.

Sadly enough most audiophile grade amps don't have tone controls but I do find myself missing something if I can't turn the treble up a little bit. Maybe I have some hearing loss from blasting Guns N Roses when I was a teenager. Thanks for the help!
If you'll consider used, the Anthem 225 is powerful with tone controls. (I own it and bypass the tone controls.) 225 wpc will energize anything I have. There are several reviews online. 

I think list is $1800 or so, but I bought mine for under $1000 shipped with money leftover.

Regarding looks, I like it but you may not...
I second the idea of electronic eq. Audirvanna has it. Another idea is used Yamaha as series. They look great and have a nice laid back sound. There are great deals from time to time online for these. 
What does " more attractive than a NAD " mean? Better looking?

Anyway, for this budget doubt you'll do better than a used NAD C375 (~$700 used), has tone controls and the ability to switch them out.
I owned the Vincent sv-226, little brother to the sv-236. It was a great integrated. Wish i never sold mine.  A used 236 at $1000 would be on my short list if in that market.
Yeah that Vincent is really cool.

I am still considering the NAD series of integrated amps but I can't get past the looks.