What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
Queefee, I don't know what you were thinking either.

I own a UMC-1 and it's working flawlessly in my system. It cost 1200 bucks less than my friends Onkyo processor, and it sounds better. In fact I tried it as a preamp with the Odyssey amp and Merlin speakers with surprisingly good results. No, it's not better than my tube based Stingray, but it's sound is clearly superior to some fairly expensive processors, including the Marantz for 2200 bucks.

I don't doubt some people will have troubles. Every processor does. Emotiva released FAR too early; I think we can agree on that.

But this is a great processor that competes with anything else I've seen/tried. The new firmware seems to have gotten things corrected for most users.

Nope, I've reconcidered! I'm bitter, and Emotiva ows me an appology, darn it!!!
...Oh and I want at least 2 professional reviews on this thing, from a reputable AV magazine/reviewer, before I even remotely consider hearing any of this non sense about how this sucker is a "BUY!"
Yep, I want to hear from bonnafied seasoned audiophile AV pros (no offense Robbo), that the UMC-1 is a worthy consideration, and a quality piece before I even think about looking at the UMC-1 as anything other than the wothless-bit-of-a-piece that I've come to see it as!!!!!!!!!!
...And even then, I'll still likely be bitter, as I feel Emotiva owes me!
Heck, I wanna free amp, er at least some free coupons or somethin!...And they can throw in a life-sized 3d poster of Pam Anderson to boot, too, as far as I'm concerened!
...Hey, they never did inform me that my piece was ready, either. I feel used...
"I don't doubt some people will have troubles. Every processor does" (Robbob)

Every processor does? Ok, let us get the record straight on this one. The Emotiva didn't just have "a trouble, or two". It had a MYRIAD of issues! In fact, there was probably more wrong with the UMC-1 than any single digital product ever released in the last...the last...well heck, THE LAST EVER!!!
Simply go on any chat forum within the last year and go down the list of issues the Umc-1 had upon release. I think it's multiple issue. So, officially, the piece was a disaster when they finally went to market. If I'm not mistaken, it was basically, nearly, non-functional in any kind of multi-switched, custom integration setup, to be true! I mean, unless you used it in straight stereo, you likely either got no sound - er delayed sound, sound that dropped out, no picture, NO EQ, Volume balance problem between inputs, problems swiching between inputs, way too much bass from the sub out put that varied in output, and the list goes on!.. yada, yada
Well you get the idea.
So, while Emotiva (or whatever other behind the scenes company actually builds these things for Emotiva) may or may not have addressed either some or even most of it's issues, bottom line is that it likely STILL HAS ISSUES (without even having used one myself, we all know when we get it home we're still going to run into a problem at this point - that's a given), period! If not, SURELY the av magazines would have thrown out at least "one" measly review, so we could take an official, publisized look at the thing. But, yes, we all know it's not even review worthy at this point, er it would do the company/piece more harm that good, once they tore it appart in a review. Let's be real here.
So I think most of us can agree that it indeed should have never been released, was a total disaster, and certainly couldn't have made the company a dime - after fielding all the returns and canceled orders, and likely slim profit margin on a $700 item, etc.
Consider this, here have been probably hundreds of small time audio companies, who carefully released otherwise outstanding, glitch free, even state of the art electronics over the years, and just as many that went out of business, also. If Emotiva releases more products like this, they might was well file for Chapter 11 now!, and start looking for another investment opportunity - cause this avenue ain't workin!
I for one think it would be awesome if Emotiva went and tried for the UMC-2!!! Then they can tell everyone to expect it in a few months again! WOULDN'T THAT BE A REAL HOOT?! - tOO much!!!
Come on! that would have to be the new single greatest laugh to be had in this business EVER! Ya gotta admit. Come on Emotiva! PLEEEEEEEEEASE? Do it for us! I need a new outlet for my laughter - really. Then I would have likely, truely, seen it all in this business. Really, I just want to know how many people would get back on "the list", after all. Hehe

"Emotiva released FAR too early; I think we can agree on that" (Robbob)

Released far too early?! Surely you must be BS'ing here?! WWWWWHAT!?!....
Ok, what? With the the state of AV electronics litterally transforming yearly, the feature-set the Umc-1 offers predicates that the thing should have been released almost 2 years ago!! And youre suggesting, what that they should have released it some time later this year, or some time in 2011?! Seriously?
We're now already to like HDMI 1.6 (er, whatever) Dolby EQ, Dolby Volume, Pro Logic IIZ(height speakers, dual side speakers, rear height speakres and so on!!) and, like, freakin' Artificial inteligence HDMI switcing (like what Yamaha is offering ) and what not, on-board video calibration features, and so on, etc. And what does the UMC-1 offer? Uh, like last years features, at best! That's what if offers.
Too early? Um, no. NOT to early! - about a year and a half too late, by my calculations.
I think we can all agree on that.
While many of your comments make sense, their time has past. The UMC-1 functions beautifully now and bests my friend's Onkyo that costs far more and he waited a LONGER time for it to work properly with his Sat. TV connections.

You can READ about all of the complaints endlessly. Processors are complex and hard to use correctly even when they work. I had my own problems with the UMC-1 and all have been corrected.

You make claims that the UMC-1 is outdated. Outdated for WHAT exactly? I have a very good quality projection system and a audio system that can crush cars. Video calibration is perfect. Audio is stunning and all formats are supported for my system. I have a large dedicated theater room with 7 speakers, 3 subs and it's probably better than what most people have. The heart of the system is the UMC-1, which never has a hiccup anymore. It's so good an yet so inexpensive that many people are buying them now until Emotiva releases the next one. The killer is that it pounds better processors because of the sound quality.

You can't lose with the UMC-1, at least not now. There is NO processor at any cost I'd buy today over it. I'd like to suggest actually trying these units out with updated firmware before throwing mud. New features are fun, but they have to translate into actual performance advantages to have merit. The UMC-1 does everything most HT systems would need for quite a while. It is easy and fun to use. It's better looking than other units. And did I mention that the pre-amp section makes other units sound absolutely mid-fi by comparison?
Emotiva had a bad start with the UMC-1, but they're off and running now. BTW, I have about 20K invested in my theater room (not including the music system). I would have bought a better processor if they actually had been better.
