Your last concert was to see who and when?

Pretty simple, what and when was your last concert?

She was fantastic Spencer, as were her accompanists. A really good guitarist on Gibson acoustic and Gretsch electric (into a small Fender combo amp---looked like a Deluxe), and pianist on an acoustic grand and electronic with Leslie rotating-speaker. I thought I would miss drums and bass, but their absence made Joan’s voice and the players parts and excellent harmony vocals all the more audible.

And, for a change, excellent sound-reinforcement! All three sang into Shure SM58’s, so there was the to-be-expected presence elevation, but very mild. Our seats were third row center, so when Joan backed off the mic I could hear her voice acoustically, and the amplified sound was pretty true to it. And not too loud---a very welcome change from normal live sound. The very good acoustics of the room (Portland's Aladdin Theater) was welcome too. If Joan comes to your town, I highly recommended spending the $32.50 per ticket (cheap these days!) I did.

David Gilmour at MSG last month ...  just unbelievable. At 72 he is a god and I'm not worthy. He's better now than when I saw him 43 years ago. Shine on you crazy diamond.
Went to see Lee Ritenour last night. First time for me. This man can play like few others can...WOW!!!    A guitar god if there ever was one.

Last night my wife and I saw Lyle Lovett and his Large Band.  What a show, one of the best ever!  Lyle, Christine, amazing 4 piece horn section, 9 person gospel choir, Russ Kunkel on drums (best ever) Luke Bulla on violin (best I've ever heard besides the incomparable Mark O'Connor), pedal steel, Matt Rollings on piano, Ray Hendron on electric guitar, John Hagen on cello.  The tightest ensemble I have ever heard.  Not a lick out of place, amazing solos not a note too long.  But most of all, the love for the music and the joy of sharing it with each other and a great crowd at the College Street Music Hall in New Haven.  Truly awesome.  In addition to many of his well known songs, they did several lesser known, a couple of tributes to Guy Clark, and a few traditional gospel pieces in 2 1/2 hours of non-stop excellence.  Every song was a wonder of song writing, singing and musicianship.  Miss them at your peril!!