klipschorns, they kick ass for sure

hello folks.   for those out there that think the big klipschorn's are not good enough to be a high end quality speaker, guess what??   your wrong!!   I have been in audio for over 40 years. I have heard many speaker systems over the years. I have very good speakers now in my home. I have good equipment running them.  I picked up a pair of k-horns last week.  1986 model year.  replaced the crossovers with crites xovers.  one tweeter blown.  replaced both with ct120 tweeters from crites. hooked them up to my parasound  3500 amp ( yes, way overkill  )  but I wasent in the mood to move it.  speakers placed where they are supposed to be in the corners of the room.  well let me tell you all it took was 2 minutes to decide these things are the bomb.  I dident hear any of the stuff I been reading about over the last 30 years how these speakers are harsh, no good bass and everything else everybody says about them.  as far as im concerned they are clean, clear, crisp, and loud. did I say loud.  volume starts a 7 o'clock,  at 9 o'clock  your ears start to bleed.  I guess the 350 watts into a speaker that only needs 20 will do that.  and all the stuff I hear about  ss amps these speakers don't like.  only 30 watt tube amps will do or you will hear all kinds of noise.  well, all I can say is bull crap to that.  what I here is a speaker sounding better then just about anything else I ever heard.  I played rock,jazz,classical,  all passed with flying color's. all I can say is you guys out there that think they suck. have your ears cleaned out and go listen again.  yes, the 350 watt power house is going to go before I blow everything up. 
Tomtab; I am not sure if there are many out here who really care whether Klipschorns are considered 'High End' loudspeakers or not, or indeed your passion for them. Why do you care about other audio'piles' views? Its not going to change your belief that they are the best thing since sliced bread is it? and why should it?!! Thumbs up to you, and may your horns give you many hours of unbridled and unabashed listening pleasure.......
Whilst you are not personally being demeaning to anyone,  I feel your post is a tad vitriolic though......................... (smiley face) .
Re, Wester17's post above, I l recently landed on the Spatial Audio M4 speakers, the little brother's to his M3's.  I completely agree that they are very special speaker, truly, and my first foray into OB speakers.  They are a stunning value, too, and easy to drive.  They sure like tube amps. I am bowed over my them in my system.
The first fine audio system I heard was Khorns with Crown amps in a bar in Mpls in 1973 and I was hooked forever on great audio gear. Their bass response was a visceral experience.   In what they do, they are peerless, clearly among the pantheon of legendary speakers.  I had a pair of Cornwalls, all upgraded with new horns and x-overs, but they simply overwhelmed my small listening room.  The buyer, with a very large room and a tube amp, still loves them. Pity the fool that disses the Khorns as they are remarkable speakers.  Just my take.  
there are not many company's in America anymore that make speakers out of REAL WOOD, if you love your speaker, then you RULE in your CASTLE, I have room full of vintage speakers from Acoustat 6600 to Allisons to Bozak CC and many more, but when I sit down to a pair the music I select may not sound good on one speaker as well as the other,remember the saying ( VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE) my Khorns sound good on my tube VTL'S and my Belle's sound good on my Cary, just like not everyone drives the same car, so enjoy your toy's and live life like it is your last, because some day it will be!!