Audioquest vs Analysis Plus?

I'm looking for a set of 10-foot bi-wire speaker cables at a modest price (thinking 500-800, but less would be welcome) ... I have been looking at audioquest rocket 88 and analysis plus oval 12. Anyone have experience with either of these? Any other bi-wires in this price range I should check out? 

I acquired a set of Wireworld Oasis 7 speaker cables a couple of months ago and was seriously impressed.  A very rich presentation with an immersive soundstage.  Not bright or harsh at higher volumes and has great detail.  Blew away the Audioquest Type 4 I'd been using.

For the thread starter, I'd suggest Wireworld Equinox or Eclipse 7.
Nice rack! What speaker cables are you currently using? 
Music Direct has New/old stock closeout for Audioquest Gibralter, 10' for $825.00. They dont have anymore biwire though. You'll need jumpers. 12 awg, double star quad, DBS. 


I'm embarrassed to say that I am using old radio shack 14AWG speaker wire ... The speaker cables are the last piece of the puzzle (for now), but the amount of choices and wide range of prices has been daunting, so I am wading in carefully.... I listen to lots of jazz (all eras), all kinds of rock, pop, old school R&B, blues, some classical (mostly chamber), acoustic, bit of folk and blue/new grass. Yeah... Kind of a bit of everything. Harsh vocal sibilants drive me crazy; the modwright and the ARC gear seem to complement each other nicely.

I am seeing lots of folks wax poetic over the Amadi Maddie Signature cables, but can't find them on the web or see any ads on Agon ... Can anyone point me in the right direction to check these out?
For Amadi cables, contact Audiogon member: ama7gr (Phillip).
He places ads from time to time, but he currently doesn't have any ads up on Audiogon. He doesn't have a website.
Search the forums or contact Phillip for more information.