Just moved to an apartment need speaker suggestions

my better half and I just moved into an apartment need speaker suggestions, current speakers are Magnepan 1.6qr with Rythmik f15hp subs x2, need something as engaging as the Maggies but able to play softly, will be driven by a Classe CAP 2100 integrated.  thanks in advance.
Pay attention to placement, as your neighbors will hear a bass line before anything else....

Maggies, Yes, good call y'all.  But a dipole in a small space could be problematic.  A decent bookshelf on a stand, smallish towers...

Consider active EQ for the space.  You'll likely be 'playing the room' as well as the speakers when square footage shrinks...

I know I've annoyed the purists with that crack, but it's worked for me.  I prefer a 'flat' space when practical...
I seriously doubt, even at hypothetical "used" prices, the Magico S1 is what the OP is looking for.  It is funny how this line of speakers always sneaks into the conversation even when it is SO NOT in the conversation.  At less than 1/3 the price, I think the Raidho X-1 much more fits the bill, and even this price ($6500) is probably WAY out of the OP's consideration.

The Gradient Revolution is another speaker that is probably out of the price range, but, if not, this is a terrific speaker for someone that has to put the speaker near a back wall and/or the corners of the room.  It also sounds decent playing at lower volume. 

The Totem Arros is another good recommendation.  It sounds nice at lower volume and I have heard it work well with  a subwoofer (which is something the OP already has).
Another spot-on post from larryi. It should probably be stated (if it wasn't already) that stand mounted monitors, even small ones, does NOT imply a lack of bass energy above oh ... let's say 60hz to be safe. With my Joesph Audio Pulsars it was more like upper 40s.

The point is that you can end up with overwhelming bass resonances even with smaller monitors. I know it's hard to audition *anything* but you should be well aware of this point.
My suggestion would be to buy DeCapo 3MM monitors with stands , forget about subwoofers. Maggie's, in my experience, need to be driven to a bit higher volume levels to sound good...not good for an apt. Go the higher efficiency route and gravitate to El-84's for fine apartment listening. 90 db. +. ( Older/recapped Scott amps still a good deal when you can find them and classically beautiful. - Where's "cinkpa"?/Sam's Audio? Wright Sound had some El-84's...who else? Triode Labs.)
(The Pulsars are amazing for 4 times the price. + Need quality power. But probably as stated, have too much bass for an apartment.) 
Check out Opera speakers/Sonus Fabers to go with your Classe's as another idea if you want floor standers.

Number one criteria i would be looking for is bass presence at low volumes . Keeping volumes low and still getting bass is the key . Active speakers tend to do that well .