Streaming Audio is Trying My Newbie Patience. Help

PC rookie here, trying to learn.

I purchased Amarra HiFi and cannot get it to work when streaming Internet radio. I also downloaded the trial of Amarra 3.0 which theoretically does play streaming files,, but still no luck. I've also tried a few of the other players, Decibel, JR River, etc and still am baffled.

All players will work with my iTunes playlists. But improving streaming radio is also a priority.

My main computer is a MacPro 3.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xenon. 10 gigs RAM. OS 10.8.5.

My laptop is running OS 10.6 , Intel, 2 gigs RAM.

I've uninstalled all programs and reinstalled. I've deleted every plist I can find relative to those programs. I've started and restarted both computers. I am very keen on making this work. :)

Thanks for any suggestions.

When streaming radio, I cannot toggle Amarra back and forth by clicking on the button so that audio is running through Amarra, not iTunes. The button always remains yellow no matter how many times I click on it. It does not matter in what sequence I launch either app. I have set Amarra preferences to dock with iTunes.

When the source is from iTunes playlist files, I can engage Amarra and the button turns blue.
I think you may need to buy an add on, or some type of upgrade to use Amarra for streaming.
I'm awaiting a response from an Amarra tech person and will report results. I am quite pleased with the improvement Amarra makes to the files I can play through it, but streaming is a priority, and the main reason I purchased the program.