Outrageous used pricing on older McIntosh

Am I the only one to notice that pricing on older McIntosh gear is bordering on the ridiculous lately? In the last few months, sellers with amps and preamps that are from the 70's, 80's, and 90's are asking within a few hundred dollars of the original asking price! Now I know Mac gear holds it's value very well, but for a used item decades old to be so close to original is ridiculous. Of course, the newest gear is in the "stratasphere" region, but that is to be expected. Anyone else notice this?
My Sansui TU-X1 tuner sold for $1,000 when new in 1980.
I paid $1,500 for it in 2003.
I get unsolicited offers for it here on Audiogon at least once a month for a minimum of $2,500.  

I don't even listen to it any more, I primarily listen to Pandora and internet radio.  I'm not looking to sell, but I would never consider letting it go  for less than $3,500...and my price will go up every year.
My Jolida JD502p with factory upgrades (I mention this amp too often, but I’m a geezer so that sort of thing is expected) cost something like 1200 bucks new maybe 4 (5?) years ago. I think it sounds astonishingly good with the various tube upgrades I’ve forced into it (likely near the original cost of the amp with my tube rolling obsession), and I wouldn’t trade it for anything less than something 3 times its price (geezer…see what I mean?). So to the overpriced audio world I can say: bite me.
Vintage stuff reminds me of 'this old house', too old to be reliable.  What is interesting is that many of the Mc and Marantz designs have been knockoff in some new products, with SOTA parts.  Cayin and VAS does this on a regluar basis, and in turn provide great sound, at great prices.
have you heard what a Mac 240 can do ? minty they sell for 15 X new.
My dad shelled out $199 for the demo amp in 1965. It is vintage 1961.
Value determined by mkt for sure. Is there a MAC bubble ? Maybe.
Just bought MC250 from Berdan's " private stash"... decent shape..not mint physically..but electrical performance quite good. Clips at better than 10 % above rated pwr. Drives a pair of Vandersteen 2 CE really, really well. Magic of SP6-B does not hurt..
but the bottom line is Mac delivers lasting sonic and physical value..at least to me.