Jazz for late night relaxation

Jazz friends; I'd like to expand my knowledge of albums geared toward relaxing in the evening with perhaps my favorite brandy or a cup of hot OJ. My taste is varied and I'll post specifics but I feel Paul Desmond and some of Chet Bakers stuff work very well to put me into pure contentment. Thanks for your thoughts. Pete
tomcy6 ...

I have that Jazz For a Rainy Afternoon CD and a couple of others from the series including "Latin Jazz for Lovers." Excellent sound and music for sure.
Would like to add:  The Gentle Side of John Coltrane

This has been my go-to "Intro to Coltrane" with friends. It's a compilation from 1975, and was released as a double album. Features McCoy Tyner on piano.
For a relaxed jazz vibe I like Gary Burton (no pun intended).  I especially recommend "Paris Encounter" with Stephane Grapelli.
I don’t imagine many think of him as relaxing per se, but late nights when I feel restless Bud Powell is my go-to, it just seems all’s right with the world  when I hear Bud .

Perhaps its because in Jazz i listen for the time setter and with Bud its not hard to hear who that is . And his chromatics are right up there with the best of the Classical composers IMO . And perhaps he's just so damn fine .