Somehow the messages for Upstate NY have been lost. The Audiogon Staff asked that I start it agian.

Here we go...If you have an interest, post a message and state where you are. If there is enough interest, maybe we can get something going at some point.

I am in the Syracuse area.
Hello All,
Checking in to see if the interest is still here for the post? I am a new startup Audio Shop in Rochester, NY .
I would like to this more interest and connect with people who share this interest. You can check me out at .

Hi everyone.I'm located in Tonawanda.I was an officer in the now defunct club The Western NY Audio Audio Society.I'd like to see a club or informal meetings started to further the interests of those involved in the hobby no matter to what degree.I think location and travel distance might loom as the largest issue for most parties.As a side note,any audiophiles in the WNY area interested in doing in home listening sessions,feel free to contact me to work out the details.Always looking to meet new audiophiles/music lovers.
I wonder if we have crossed paths? I know some of you guys from WNYAS used to come down to The Sound Concept in Rochester every once in a while. In time when I build more of a contact list I would like to host a Music night for fun....this may take some time as my shop is small and unknown at this point.

Is the Upstate NY audio club active?I am learning and enjoying old and new equipment/technology/formats. I am between Rochester and Buffalo.