Golden Ear Triton One vs Mythos ST-L Supertowers

At face value these two are essentially identical. Or are they? I'm considering one or the other and would appreciate the candid feedback of others. I've listened to the Golden Ears, but not the Mythos. Thanks.
"At face value these two are essentially identical."

What would lead you to believe that?
Zd542, price, size, specs on paper, same principal owner. Hence I state "at face value".
I see what you mean, but one speaker has a ribbon tweeter, and the other is aluminum. For me, at least, that's a very big difference. But I'm very picky when it comes to high frequencies.

I'm not sure if I'm right on this, but it makes sense. Def-Tek is known to be more of a HT speaker than music. Since its the same owner, Golden Ear may be designed as a music first speaker, in an attempt to gain that segment of the market. If that's the case, I would expect the bass on the Golden Ear to be very different. Def-Tek is loud and "boomy" in the bass. Most audiophiles don't care for that and want something more controlled and musical.


No negatives on the Triton 1's.  Only positives.  They put a smile on my face everytime I listen to them.  Bass is TO DIE for, mids and highs are just right, perfectly balanced with the bass.  This is the first set of speakers I have bought where I didn't have to second guess or have buyers remorse.  I am planning on buying another pair of Triton Ones or Triton twos for my secondary system, probably in Jan-Feb 2016.

Stereo 5, I couldn't agree with you more. I just bought a pair and had them hooked up for a week or so now, They are phenomenal in every way.