Good impedance match for Precision Fidelity C-7AR

When using my PF preamp with either my tube or SS amps, I have only two volume settings I can use, low or too loud, at between 8 o'clock to 9 o'clock on the volume pot. At the higher of the two volume settings, the preamp seems as if it is outputting full voltage. The input impedance on the tube amp is 100Kohm, and the main output impedance on the PF is 600Ohm - 7Kohm. Is this a classic case of impedance mismatching? Would it be worthwhile to see if there is a problem in the PF unit, or, should I check into locating a better matching amplifier?

Too much gain is your problem as Al states, Rothwells attenuator plugs work but they can also create impedance matching issues.
Looks to me like the alps VC pot is on the output RCA's on this pre, and there is a tube gain stage before it.
The best bet is to either get the tube stage gain reduced that's before the alps pot by a tube tech, or sell and get a passive preamp with a logarithmic 10k pot.

7th and 6th last pic

Cheers George

The speakers are Joseph Audio RM-25iii (86.5dB), Grace 707/Grado Sig 8MX cart(4.5mV) and the amp is a Michaelson & Austin TVA-1 (100Kohm input), Grover Huffman IC's between PF and TVA-1 amp with AntiCable speaker cable. The pots on the PF are noisy, and are original circa '81 vintage; is it possible the dual potentiometers have deteriorated and now present substantial resistance in their rotation?
I have the Rothwell attenuators, and while they do provide more rotation on the volume control, they also take away some of the high and low frequencies. It does act more like a gain problem, but the VC may also be a culprit. The next step may be to check the Alps VC's out thoroughly. Thank you for replying.
"Rothwell attenuators take away some of the high and low frequencies"

That's the trouble with Rothwell Attenuators they can cause impedance mismatches if you don't do the in & out z homework.

Cheers George
Had a similar complaint about limited volume control range on my gear...though perhaps not as extreme as what you report, Pix. Almarg suggested attenuators. I went with Harrison Labs -12dB attenuators purchased from Parts Express. They were around half the cost of the Rothwells. I put them on the end of the IC going into the preamp from my CDP and got another set for the IC coming from my DAC...again, using them right at the preamp. These gave more volume control range. I did not hear any obvious reduction in frequency response. Could you experiment with different insertion points for your attenuators?