Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?

Dan Fogelberg - Leader of the Band

Perfectly conceived and written from the heart.
three diverse selections off the top of my head:

Beethoven Symphonies No. 4 & 6 (Pastorale), Bruno Walter, Columbia Symphony Orchestra

Crossing the Waters, Steve Schuch & The Night Heron Consort

and yes, Joni Mitchell's Blue (o:
Copland, Gershwin, Louis Armstrong, Rogers & Hammerstein (and several others) should be required listening in grade school since their music is such a part of our national character. Make civics, a foreign language, and art/music appreciation (humanities) mandatory from an early age for a better America!
Herbert Howells English Cathedral Music,especially the "Collegium Regale"(King's College) service.
Mozart's Requiem,possibly the most important piece ever.
Beethoven's 9th symphony.A turning point in history.

ahh so much music, so little time.

Just a few personal favs from simply oodles and oodles to choose from. All music is beautiful.

Puccini- Coro a bossa chiusa (Madame Butterfly).
Puccini- O Mio babbino caro (Gianni Schicchi).
Donizetti- -Una Fortiva Lagrima-(L'Elisir D'amore).
Verdi- Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves-Nabucco.
Massenet-Meditation (mutter-tear to a glass eye).
Barber-Concerto for Violin Op14- II.Andante (Hilary Hahn- tears to both glass eyes).
Vivaldi-Gloria in Excelsis Dio in D (RV589)