Which NAD amp??

I have a NAD C160 preamp and would like to match it to one of the following NAD amps. The speakers are mirage M7si I have heard the integrated version 370 and 372 and thought the 370 was very open but not very rich and with the 372 I felt like I was looking at the floor all the time On the other hand I know the integrateds do not sound like the sperates here are the amps I have heard it said that the 214 and 216 are amoong the best they have made sound wise. I am not concerned about power but musicality.

Used a 214 for a number of years pushing B&W and Magnepan speakers and always thought it sounded terrific. A bit light on power for the Maggies (1.6s) but then I also had a Vandersteen sub so was not consuming amp power for bass below about 50 hz. Worked great.
I have not heard all of the models but I have had the C370 and C372 (equivalent power amp to the C270 and C272) and I can honestly say that the 216 (which I still have) is a much better sounding amp. The only issue with the 216 (and I assume other models in the series) is that they are equipped with a rather cheap output speaker relay, which will need to be replaced or refurbished. Aside from that, the build quality is fantastic and so is the audio quality.
I only know the old school amps and always preferred the 2600A over all the same era amps.