In Memoriam: Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music

I just read this terrible news about the death of Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music Systems. He was a great guy and this is very, very sad. Rest in peace, Bobby.
I had the please of working with Bob and Hoop for a few years. These are and were among the finest people I have had the pleasure to know. I recently (very recently) rekindled my love of fine sound. Bobby took the time, with great patience, to help me fall back in love with Merlin and fondly remember the years I spent with them as 'the kid'. Rest in peace, my friend, and know that you made a significant impact on me and I recall my time with you fondly and regret we will not share more.

Thank you my friend, for the mentorship and knowledge you bestowed upon me.
In 2011 we waited 18 months for our VSM-MXr/SuperBAM speakers to arrive ..a friend and I ordered at the same time.He decided he wanted Merlins after hearing my VSM-MM SurperBAM.I sold my VSM-MMs this year to a very happy new owner and decided a few weeks ago to order.Let me ad this was the first Merlins in my country.Every other Merlin was bought after friends listened to my system.
In spite of being very unhappy about waiting 18 months in 2011,I LOVE their sound.I decided a few weeks ago to order TSM Studio Black Black Magics for my second system.Bobby promised it would take only 4 weeks this time ....I am still waiting and will now most likely never get them.It was fully paid and I really cant afford to lose the money too.I am very concerned.
This news was certainly a bit of a shock. I can't say I knew Bobby well but I chatted with him several times in the Merlin/Joule Electra room at the CES over the years. My impression was for his dedication - to his speakers, to his customers, and to music.

I can only hope he found peace at last.