B&W Speakers

For a dedicated stereo music system in a room that measures 12' x 14' where the speakers will be roughly 7' apart, 1.5' from the back wall and 9' from the listener, which B&W speakers would you recommend for approx. $3000-$5000?

The speakers will be powered by a Linn 4200 (4 x 200W) power amp.
A good friend has B&W N803's in an 11x14.5 room similar to yours. His are about 2 ft from the front wall and about 6 1/2 ft a part. Things were not sounding so good till he spent about 3K in room treatments. At this point now its one of the best sounding systems Ive heard with a Plinius 102, AI L2 pre, Kimber Select cables, Nottingham TT. and a Marantz S11S2 CD.

You would likely do well with the S804, but definitely plan to treat your room heavily to avoid echo and coincident reflections as well as bass boom. Also look into the dedicated sound anchor stands for them. Made a big difference for my friends 803.

If you dont mind as much bass, then the 805 monitor is the obvious safe bet...but I'd still make sure the room was treated accordingly. Best to you.
Before you set your mind specifically on B&W's, open your search to other manufacturers as well. Personally, I find B&W's overpriced and underperforming.
i fully agree w stringreen. if i had 5k to spend, i wouldn't be looking at b&w.