Upgrading from Wilson Sophia 2's?

Currently using these in a 14x25 room. Enjoying them for the most part, but they can sound aggressive and make mediocre recordings sound like crap and be somewhat fatiguing. Iā€™m interested in trying something that is slightly more forgiving without sacrificing a lot of detail, air, dynamics, etc.

Any suggestions?

Associated equipment (preamps still in flux):

Pass XA 100.5 monoblocks

Preamps ā€“ Tube
Audio Valve Eclipse
Cary SLP-05

Preamps ā€“ SS
Fire H20
Wyred 4 Sound STP SE
Pass XP-20

ModWright Transporter
Raven One TT / Triplanar / Dynavector XV-1s

"Isn't this thread really about justification for buying new speakers?"

Justification? No.

Changing speakers is not something I would do casually.

In this economy it sucks to have to sell gear. It either takes forever or you lose a fair bit. Selling speakers is the worst since they're heavy beasts, require freight etc.

What I am seeking is something that will satisfy me (and yes, I'm picky). I'm close with the Sophias, and if I had to keep them I would (and that may be what I end up doing). While I've tried to tune them to taste, I haven't been totally successful. So I can't help but wonder if I'm trying to fit a square ped into a round hole, which ultimately leads to considering other speakers. Since there's nothing that leaps to mind (other than the Sashas), I thought I would seek suggestions.

Again, I do appreciate that it could be my room.
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Madfloyd you may want to look outside the Wilson line. I'm afraid that is the Wilson sound. As you move up the line you get more of it. Some people love and some people don't.

I would look in this order.
Verity audio will give you the bass impact and the best midrange going. Super easy to drive.

Magico they get better the more time you spend with them. Takes a bit to get use to them. Not the same bass impact as the wilson.

Rockport with the right room they are very good. side firing woofer makes them though to place.

Vandersteen Maybe the complete opposite to Wilson.
I find that the Wilson sound is anything but bright. If anything, the sound has changed from the WP6 days to a more rolled off highs. But... tweeter ear relationship is critical and the Sophia's don't handle that relationship well as they are not that adjustable. My Maxx IIs have the ability to adjust the head tilt & hence tweeter directionality. I can hear the difference between 2 positions of adjustment instantly (I think there are 14 positions) with ease. Based on your room size and current used Maxx II pricing they are a steel for an upgrade.

I have heard many a different speaker and many have sounded bright and hard at times. But they all benefit from proper tweeter / ear position. Unfortunately not all speakers can do such adjustment but many do compensate with adjustable tweeter outputs.

Now, I use tube amplification which might have something to do with my preference for the Wilson sound (but I doubt 100%, as I have used very high end SS amps with great results) and I find most Be. tweeters to be bright (or hissy) sounding (as a few others have agreed). You will need to let your ears be the judge.
I had tried some Focals and decided that the Be tweeter is not for me (didn't sound natural to my ears).