Anyone audition Spec RSA M3 amp

This the amp i am talking about.

Would love to hear your thoughts.
Leicachamp - Thank you for posting the link! A most informative read. I am intrigued by this integrated amp, even though its power is on the low side. That said, my Verity Amadis could still be a good match with this amp. It would be very interesting to hear my Amadis driven by a non-SET amp capable of the organic type of sound that SET delivers. That is something I intend to pursue aggressively. The only negative I see is the fact that it is an integrated amp and I would be paying for features I would never use. I use a Shindo V-R preamp in my Amadis system and so I obviously would prefer a non-integrated stereo amp or monaural amps. Perhaps either or both of those might be offered by SPEC at a later date. Again, thank you for the link. Hopefully others will chime in with comments and especially any info as to when the SPEC is going to be available in the US.
Best Regards,
I have a pair ATC SCM50 at the end of a Octave RE290 amp. Have been looking to jump to low powered amp and high efficent speakers for years, but could not find anything that has that magic atc midrange. Hoping this Spec amp can give me the single ended sound at the end of the ATC.

i am also interested in a integrated amp because i am sick of switching a preamp and power amp, wait for 30 mins warm up just to listen to a couple of sides of an lp!