Speaker recommendations

I have a Sota Comet TT, NAD cd, McCormack ALD and McCormack DNA.5. I want to upgrade my Klipsch KG4 speakers. I am considering Alon model II, Vandersteen 2CE sigs, Thiel 2.2 and others. I like good bass extension, airy highs and halographic imaging (who doesnt). I want used,easy to drive, easy to place speakers. Any recommendations or thoughts on my selections. Thanks.
Let me put in a plug for as much Meadowlark as you can find for the budget. I own the Kestrel HotRods - bought them here for $625 when I downsized to reallocate to my home theater rig.

Time-aligned drivers, first order crossovers, and transmission line bass make for lows that bely their size, a laid back attitude and a big sound stage. Very natural, very musical and probably warm to some ears.

Broad dispersion tweeters make placement simple but they do want to be a bit off the wall. Cabinets are very rigid and the crossovers are housed in their own "compartment" underneath the main enclosure.

The HotRod versions have upgraded binding posts, crossovers, insulation, Kimber wiring and other goodies depending on where in the pantheon they lived..

Finish is adequate to very good depending on the vintage.

Easy to drive - 89db according to the specs, maybe better when compared to other "89s" I've owned. Supposed to love tubes but they seem happy enough with my NuForce integrated.

So you know, Meadowlark started in California then moved to New York. A few years ago they went out of business - but you will find a ton of reviews online - they were a big favorite with reviewers.

Can't tell you how pleased I am.
I love my Vandersteen 2CE sigs. While it may take a little longer to set them up than some, I think its a small price to pay. It so happens that the guy I bought them from had them hooked up to a Van Alstine tube pre running into a Mccormack DNA-1. All I could say was "wow". I think you 0.5 will work fine with them.
All good suggestions and all but the CV are on my list. I have to rule out the CV because of WAF, which is a requirement I neglected to mention. I'm also considering Alons model I or IV or maybe used Ushers. I have a 100 watt per McCormack amp. Think it will drive any of these to satisfying volumes? Thanks
Also consider Silverlines - great line - very smooth and easy to drive - and the aesthetics of the Mark 1s which is very Avalon like might please Mrs WAF