Outriggers: Soundocity only game in town?


I like the Soundocity outriggers, but at nearly $200 they're rather pricey...esp. for what seems to me to be a relatively straightforward and inexpensive product to manufacture. Are there any other alternatives rather than a DIY outrigger?
i own a machine shop.any-one on this site can contact me to quote and manufacture any thing you desire.i have made cones,out-riggers,stands,machined face-plates,built spkrs,tone-arms,turntable plinthes,bearings,etc.all rlated to this hobby.let me know.

Just as a heads-up...

Brass and Granite Audio = http://www.oregondv.com/ = http://www.speakerfeet.com/ = Soundocity

Best, Barry
I'm using Acoustic zen Adagio...

Thus Soundocity... I may just bite the bullet...