Considering a change. Avantgarde for Wilson.

Have owned Avantgarde Duos for two years. Bass to die for.
Bright up top. Maybe just a bit glarry. Been reading and
wondering if a change to Wilson Puppy's would be good.
Am I "BMW" owner looking at a "Mercedes"? Or, am I just
a spoiled brat? Hit me, Guys.
Think your Duos would be the better. Ever consider replacing the tweeter? Bet a fostex t500amk2 would be a big step up.
The two are really very different, both are excellent but in their own way. I have heard duos extensively and the big issue is getting them set up properly. It is not easy and if they are set up poorly, or even just ok, they will not sound their best. The new omega is a big improvement as far as an upgrade but expensive (though cheaper than new speakers). The duo sound you know but it is very dynamic, as befits a horn. If they are bright up top it may be the ancillary equipment or your room, classically it is not a problem with them in my expereince.

The wilson sound is much different. I have friends with wilsons and those that like wilsons, like them period. They also tend not to like speakers like duos. I have other friends who can't stand the wilsons. It sometimes takes a bit of listening to figure out which group you fall in. Its not that they are bad at all just a very different presentation. Wilsons also need proper set up but as a whole I suspect they are more tolerant than the duos.

Since it is always cheaper to fix your current system than buy new stuff I would suggest make sure proper setup, consider your room acoustics and the ancillary gear. If those are not remedial then by all means audition the wilsons but try to listen in house with them.

Good luck

Of course it comes down to personal taste and whatever makes your ears happy and puts a smile on your face. I have Duos and, as you know, setup is critical with these speakers. While they have never failed to please, I can relate to a little high end glare on some material even though I perceived it more as having just a little too much bite on aggressively recorded material. When I did the Omega upgrade, the sound was much improved, better detail yet more relaxed and coherent. Absolutely no "bite". The upgrade is not just a small small step but a substantial improvement and worth the investment. Keep your "BMW".
Thanks All. The Duos remain. My amps are SET, Lamms.
They stay. Just added the Placette passive remote. It
is fresh air, a big improvement. Ah, yes, room treatment.
There's the rub. Awkward room with mirrors, windows,
odd shape. Rugs and soft furniture but poor location for
my needs and no drapes on large expanse of windows curved
to reflect back into the room. They focus the sound back.
Probably the worstest config. Have not heard of the
Omega upgrade. I'd pay for a set-up maven to advise me
in-house. Have floundered in hi-fi for forty years
without learning anything. I can tie my own shoes, though.