Considering a change. Avantgarde for Wilson.

Have owned Avantgarde Duos for two years. Bass to die for.
Bright up top. Maybe just a bit glarry. Been reading and
wondering if a change to Wilson Puppy's would be good.
Am I "BMW" owner looking at a "Mercedes"? Or, am I just
a spoiled brat? Hit me, Guys.

Showing 5 responses by bgordon829

Thanks for your responce. Driving the system with Lamm
mono amps. Costly but from the best! SET.
Room treatment needs much attention. LAT Int'l inter-
connects. ML 390S processor. Tweaking is the answer,
I am getting from the fellows. Thanks.
Thanks All. The Duos remain. My amps are SET, Lamms.
They stay. Just added the Placette passive remote. It
is fresh air, a big improvement. Ah, yes, room treatment.
There's the rub. Awkward room with mirrors, windows,
odd shape. Rugs and soft furniture but poor location for
my needs and no drapes on large expanse of windows curved
to reflect back into the room. They focus the sound back.
Probably the worstest config. Have not heard of the
Omega upgrade. I'd pay for a set-up maven to advise me
in-house. Have floundered in hi-fi for forty years
without learning anything. I can tie my own shoes, though.
Room treatment is definitely a big need, yes, indeed.
Thanks all. Home decoration is most intrusive and
problematic of all for us but important acoustically.
Give me a beautiful speaker. Okay. But where do I need
that sound-panel? Not in my living room, she says.
Will work on it.
For all you wonderful responders, I have a belated up-
date: Still have the AV Duos. After auditioning the
passive Placette remote volume control and heard its
wonderful transparency, I realized that my "front end"
was where I was finding my fatique. Traded my cdp and
got the Raysonic CD 128. Clear improvement. Finally
relented and went for better interconnects and power
cords. All revealing and confirming their worth. Yes,
wire does make a difference. Lamp cord just does not
deliver! Well engineered CDs sound great. Trash still
disappoints. It still holds true: You get what you
pay for. BG
Hornguys, you make much sense. Home field resistence
is a big part of the problem. Reading and
boning up on just what acceptible changes can make the
diff is a good beginning. The search is on, though.